Funds Donated By The State of Tenn.
In the past, SRI has been funded by the State of Tennessee. Due to budget constraints, State resources are no longer available. Therefore, we need you in order to accomplish our goals. It would be greatly appreciated if you would complete the enclosed form and send a gift to support the tremendous work and efforts of the Sarcoidosis Research Institute. SRI is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Your gift is tax-deducible. You may also designate your United Way contributions to the Sarcoidosis Research Institute.
Sarcoidosis is a disorder shrouded in mystery. Although it is a disease that results from an immune dysfunction, scientists are unclear as to the cause of this potentially devastating illness. People with sarcoidosis can develop small nodules (granulomas) of inflamed tissue in any part of the body. Although it usually affects the lungs, it can also involve the skin, eyes, muscles, heart, kidney, nerves and brain. It can cause death. Furthermore, currently there is no cure for sarcoidosis.
Sarcoidosis occurs worldwide. In this country, it has been estimated to affect anywhere from 10 to 35 per 100,000 persons. Victims of this complex disease suffer tremendously. Sarcoidosis can attack anywhere within the body and causes permanent damage to the affected organs. Many people with this disease are plagued with chronic pain and fatigue symptoms that may be invisible to others, but devastating to those who are afflicted. The most common presentation is lung problems, which can range from mild symptoms, such as chronic cough, to life-threatening irreversible fibrosis (or stiffening of the lungs). When sarcoidosis affects the eyes, some persons experience excruciating pain. Others can lose their sight. Sarcoidosis can affect the vital organs such as the heart, liver, spleen and kidney; and even the brain. These can be life threatening. People affected by sarcoidosis have their lifestyles severely altered as a result of trying to cope with and manage the disease. Family members, friends and many physicians often misunderstand sarcoidosis patients because most patients look perfectly healthy when in fact they are quite ill.
The Sarcoidosis Research Institute (SRI) is an innovative and effective humanitarian organization committed to helping people who suffer from this disease. We promote collaborative efforts in the areas of research, patient and professional education and patient-related issues in an effort to address and offer solutions to urgent and relevant issues pertaining to sarcoidosis.
The programs and services of the Sarcoidosis Research Institute focus on patient education and research initiatives. Our conferences have highlighted internationally renowned researchers, scientists and physicians who are considered the world’s best experts in the area of sarcoidosis. Other conference speakers have included dynamic celebrities, actor, model and sarcoidosis patient, Karen Duffy and TV’s Judge Joe Brown. Informative literature and videos are available to educate patients and their families of this often debilitating disease.
We serve as an advocate for patients by serving in advisory capacities with the National Institutes of Health and the American Thoracic Society. We have collaborated with the National Institutes of Health in identifying patient populations for ongoing research, and to encourage an increase of funds to be allocated for sarcoidosis research.
We have begun the implementation of a Media Relations Plan to increase the public’s awareness of sarcoidosis. We have also developed a Strategic Plan for Research to find the cause and identify a cure for this complex disease. These goals will be accomplished through the research of infectious diseases, genetics, and the etiology of the disease. Professional education is a critical area, as many patients are often misdiagnosed. We would like to explore more sensitive ways of diagnosing the disease and new treatments. Patient quality of life issues are real, and viable solutions must be explored.
These goals can be accomplished in stages; therefore, it is imperative that we support scientists to collect preliminary sarcoidosis data. By supporting their research efforts, researchers are positioned to be more competitive for grant dollars from major institutions which will enable them to conduct sarcoidosis research on a larger scale. The impact of all of this is ultimately the identification of the cause and cure of sarcoidosis, improved methods of treatment, and enhanced quality of life for sarcoidosis patients.
We invite you to join us in this endeavor.
Thank you for your support!
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