SRI is a national, non-profit, tax-exempt 501[c][3] organization chartered in the State of Tennessee, July 1991.
Research Initiatives
Pulmonary Sarcoidosis Patients Are Needed to Participate in a Drug Study
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Drug Study
The Pulmonary-Critical Care Medicine Branch of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland has initiated a drug study of individuals with sarcoidosis. NHLBI.. This is a randomized double blind study in which patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis will receive pentoxyfylline or a placebo for nine months.
The protocol includes an initial three to five day admission for inpatient studies involving a general medical evaluation, chest x-ray, EKG, fiberoptic bronchoscopy, as well as other routine pulmonary testing. Any part(s) of testing may be declined by the patient.The patients will be asked to return for repeat studies for six additional visits. There will be no charge for this evaluation. In addition, transportation expenses will be paid.
Any patient with sarcoidosis who participates in this study will continue to remain under the care of her own physician. A summary of the evaluation findings will be sent to the referring physician. If you are interested in an evaluation and possible enrollment in this protocol, the following information is requested.
– Referral letter
– Medical history including:
Copy of most recent Pulmonary Function Tests, if available
– Biopsy slides with pathology report and, if available, paraffin tissue blocks
Please send all information to:
Dr. Joel Moss
Pulmonary-Critical Care Medicine Branch
National Institutes of Health, Bldg. 10, Room 6D03
10 Center Drive, MSC 1590
Bethesda, MD 20892-1590
If you have any questions or seek further information, please contact the clinical research nurses, Pauline Barnes, RN or Ruth Litzenberger, RN, at 1-877-644-5864 (toll free).
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Drug Study
The Pulmonary-Critical Care Medicine Branch of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland has initiated a drug study of individuals with sarcoidosis. NHLBI.. This is a randomized double blind study in which patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis will receive pentoxyfylline or a placebo for nine months.
The protocol includes an initial three to five day admission for inpatient studies involving a general medical evaluation, chest x-ray, EKG, fiberoptic bronchoscopy, as well as other routine pulmonary testing. Any part(s) of testing may be declined by the patient.The patients will be asked to return for repeat studies for six additional visits. There will be no charge for this evaluation. In addition, transportation expenses will be paid.
Any patient with sarcoidosis who participates in this study will continue to remain under the care of her own physician. A summary of the evaluation findings will be sent to the referring physician. If you are interested in an evaluation and possible enrollment in this protocol, the following information is requested.
– Referral letter
– Medical history including:
Copy of most recent Pulmonary Function Tests, if available
– Biopsy slides with pathology report and, if available, paraffin tissue blocks
Please send all information to:
Dr. Joel Moss
Pulmonary-Critical Care Medicine Branch
National Institutes of Health, Bldg. 10, Room 6D03
10 Center Drive, MSC 1590
Bethesda, MD 20892-1590
If you have any questions or seek further information, please contact the clinical research nurses, Pauline Barnes, RN or Ruth Litzenberger, RN, at 1-877-644-5864 (toll free).
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