More Information


American Medical Association
American Thoracic Society Sarcoidosis Online Sites
Arthritis Foundation Sarcoidosis Worldwide Support Group
Clinical Trial: Infliximab In Patients With Chronic Sarcoidosis With Pulmonary Involvement.

Second Wind (lung transplant support group)
Family Foundation
Federal Information Center The Healing School
Federal Register The Health Network
Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research The White House
Health Care Financing US Census Bureau
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute US Centers for Disease Control
National Institutes of Health US Congress
National Sarcoidosis Resources Center US Department of Health and Human Services
Occupational Safety and Health US Department of Justice/Americans with Disability Act
PubMed WEBmd
Pulmonary Hypertension Association

Information About the Disease

Statement on Sarcoidosis, 1999
Official statement on sarcoidosis made by the joint efforts of the American Thoracic Society, European Respiratory Society, and World Association of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders

Defining Organ Involvement in Sarcoidosis: The ACCESS Proposed instrument
objective system for assessment of sarcodosis to evaluate disease course and effectiveness of therapy is a major problem.

Design of a Case Control Etilogic Study of Sarcoidosis(ACCESS)
A case control of etiologic study of sarcoidosis (ACCESS) is a multicenter study designed to determine the etiology of sarcodosis

“Facts About Sarcoidosis”, Published by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
National heart, lung, and blood institute page. You can view the excellent booklet on sarcoidosis designed for patients and published by the NHLBI.

Videos and Services

______@Sarcoidosis: An Overview@ :  An eight minute video outlining the symptoms and methods of treatment of sarcoidosis.  Highlights personal experiences of three sarcoidosis patients.  Price: $25.00

______1998 Conference on Sarcoidosis:    Full proceedings featuring speakers, Karen Duffy, Om Sharma, M.D., Lee Newman, M.D., Eddie Glenn, Ph.D., Bob Musson, Ph.D., Yash Kataria, M.D., Robert Baughman, M.D.  Price: $65.00

_____@An Afternoon with Keith Harrell@ :   A sarcoidosis specific version of his presentation,AAttitude is Everything@ which has been delivered to thousands of people of major corporations and organizations throughout the United States and Europe.  Fast-paced, highly motivational masterpiece.  Gives patients hope and the desire to take control of their situations.  Price: video: $30, CD: $20

_____@Sarcoidosis@ :  A printed booklet by the National Institutes of Health.  Describes symptoms, diagnosis, management research and living with the disease.  Price: $5.00 [for shipping]

______ Facilitators Guide how to start a Patient Forum Group – Price: $5.00 [shipping]

______ I would like to volunteer with the Sarcoidosis Research Institute

______I would like to make a contribution to the Sarcoidosis Research Institute.  SRI is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.

Write to us at: 3475 Central Avenue, Memphis, TN 38111
Call us at: (901) 766 -6951 [office]
Or fax us at: (901) 774 -7294 [fax]

Board of Directors

Paula Yette Polite, President
Wayne Crook, Vice President
Pam Crittendon Roberson, Secretary
Steve Burford, Treasurer

Barbara Buford
Bertha Fayne
Eddie Glenn, Ph.D.
Marsha Thornhill, M.D.

Sandra Reed, M.D.
Myra Tillis
Archie Willis, III

Scientific Advisory Council

Advisory Board

International Ambassador

Marc Judson, M.D. Talmadge King, M.D. Lee Newman, M.D. Om Sharma, M.D. Otis Yette, II

Moses Brewer
Robert Lipscomb
Robbin Todhunter

D. Geraint James, M.D.

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